No es secreto que últimamente, la industria de los juegos de vídeo se ha vuelto muy importante a nivel mundial. Tanto así, que al termino de este año año fiscal, la industria reporto ganancias mucho mayores que el cine tan solo en los Estados Unidos (imaginense a nivel mundial).
Y como en la industria cinematográfica, en los vídeojuegos también hay una Academia que se dedica a dar premios a lo mejor del año. Ayer se en la noche se llevo acabo el evento de la Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences en Las Vegas, los ganones fueron Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Bioshock y Organge Box. Aunque no fueron los únicos premiados, he aquí la lista completa de los ganadores:
Overall Game of the Year:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Producer: Mark Rubin
* Game Director: Jason West
* Creative Director: Vince Zampella
Console Game of the Year:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Producer: Mark Rubin
* Game Director: Jason West
* Creative Director: Vince Zampella
Computer Game of the Year:
The Orange Box
* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Producer: Gabe Newell
Outstanding Innovation in Gaming:
Rock Band
* Publisher: MTV Games
* Developer: Harmonix
* Producer: Robert Jerauld
* Game Director: Bob Settles
* Creative Director: Jonas Norberg
Handheld Game of the Year:
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
* Publisher: Nintendo of America
* Developer: Nintendo
* Producer: Shigeru Miyamoto
* Director: Eiji Aonuma Massively
Multiplayer Game of the Year:
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
* Publisher: Vivendi Games
* Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
* Producer: Frank Pearce
* Game Director: Rob Pardo
* Creative Director: Chris Metzen
Cellular Game of the Year:
Publisher: Electronic Arts
* Developer: EA Mobile
* Producer: David Manriquez
* Game Director: David Manriquez
* Creative Director: Derek Zakaib
Role-Playing Game of the Year:
Mass Effect
* Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
* Developer: BioWare
* Producer: Casey Hudson
* Lead Designer: Preston Watamaniuk
* Art Director: Derek Watts
Racing Game of the Year:
* Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
* Developer: Evolution Studios
* Producer: Simon Benson
* Creative Director: Paul Hollywood
Outstanding Achievement in Game Design:
The Orange Box: Portal
* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Lead Game Designer: Robin Walker
* Game Director: Kim Swift
* Creative Director: David Speyrer
Adventure Game of the Year:
Super Mario Galaxy
* Publisher: Nintendo of America
* Developer: Nintendo
* Producer: Takao Shimizu
* Game Director: Yoshiaki Koizumi
* Creative Director: Shigeru Miyamoto
Sports Game of the Year:
* Publisher: Electronic Arts
* Developer: EA Black Box
* Executive Producer: Scott Blackwood
Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year:
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
* Publisher: Electronic Arts
* Developer: EA Los Angeles
* Producer: Mike Verdu
* Creative Director: Matt Britton
Action Game of the Year:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Producer: Mark Rubin
* Game Director: Jason West
* Creative Director: Vince Zampella
Family Game of the Year:
Rock Band
* Publisher: MTV Games
* Developer: Harmonix
* Producer: Tracy Rosenthal-Newson
* Game Director: Greg LoPiccolo
* Creative Director: Josh Randall
Outstanding Achievement in Animation:
Assassin’s Creed
* Publisher: Ubisoft
* Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
* Animation Director: Alex Drouin
* Lead Animators: Elspeth Tory, Sylvain Bernard
Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction:
* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Visual Art Director: Scott Sinclair
* Technical Art Directors: Hogarth De La Plante, Andrew James, Jay Kyburz, Nate Wells
Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering:
* Publisher: Electronic Arts
* Developer: Crytek
* Director of R&D: Douglas Binks
Outstanding Character Performance:
The Orange Box: Portal
* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Writer: Erik Wolpaw
* Voice Actor: Ellen McLaw
* Character Name: GLADos
Outstanding Achievement in Story Development:
* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Writer: Ken Levine
* Character Designer: Rob Waters
Outstanding Achievement in Game Play Engineering:
The Orange Box: Portal
* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Lead Game Designer: Robin Walker
* UI Designer: Alden Kroll
* AI Designer: Tom Leonard
Outstanding Achievement in Online Game Play:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Lead Online Designer: Todd Alerman
* Lead Online Programmer: Richard Baker
Downloadable Game of the Year:
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
* Publisher: D3 Publisher or America
* Developer: Infinite Interactive, 1st Playable Productions
* Producers: Arthur Kawamoto, Steve Baldoni
* Game Directors: Steve Fawkner, Janeen Fawkner
Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition:
* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Composer: Garry Schyman
Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack:
Rock Band
* Publisher: MTV Games
* Developer: Harmonix
* Music Supervisors: Paul DeGooyer, Eric Brosius
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design:
* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Sound Designers: Emily Ridgway, Patrick Balthrop, Justin Mullins
* Audio Lead: Eric Brosius
En mi opinión, Call of Duty 4 es muy bueno pero está sobre valorado. Para mi el juego del año 2007 sigue siendo Super Mario Galaxy pero bueno, para gustos los colores.