AIAS Award

AIAS Award

No es secreto que últimamente, la industria de los juegos de vídeo se ha vuelto muy importante a nivel mundial. Tanto así, que al termino de este año año fiscal, la industria reporto ganancias mucho mayores que el cine tan solo en los Estados Unidos (imaginense a nivel mundial).

Y como en la industria cinematográfica, en los vídeojuegos también hay una Academia que se dedica a dar premios a lo mejor del año. Ayer se en la noche se llevo acabo el evento de la Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences en Las Vegas, los ganones fueron Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Bioshock y Organge Box. Aunque no fueron los únicos premiados, he aquí la lista completa de los ganadores:

Overall Game of the Year:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Producer: Mark Rubin
* Game Director: Jason West
* Creative Director: Vince Zampella

Console Game of the Year:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Producer: Mark Rubin
* Game Director: Jason West
* Creative Director: Vince Zampella

Computer Game of the Year:
The Orange Box

* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Producer: Gabe Newell

Outstanding Innovation in Gaming:
Rock Band

* Publisher: MTV Games
* Developer: Harmonix
* Producer: Robert Jerauld
* Game Director: Bob Settles
* Creative Director: Jonas Norberg

Handheld Game of the Year:
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

* Publisher: Nintendo of America
* Developer: Nintendo
* Producer: Shigeru Miyamoto
* Director: Eiji Aonuma Massively

Multiplayer Game of the Year:
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

* Publisher: Vivendi Games
* Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
* Producer: Frank Pearce
* Game Director: Rob Pardo
* Creative Director: Chris Metzen

Cellular Game of the Year:
Publisher: Electronic Arts

* Developer: EA Mobile
* Producer: David Manriquez
* Game Director: David Manriquez
* Creative Director: Derek Zakaib

Role-Playing Game of the Year:
Mass Effect

* Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
* Developer: BioWare
* Producer: Casey Hudson
* Lead Designer: Preston Watamaniuk
* Art Director: Derek Watts

Racing Game of the Year:

* Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
* Developer: Evolution Studios
* Producer: Simon Benson
* Creative Director: Paul Hollywood

Outstanding Achievement in Game Design:
The Orange Box: Portal

* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Lead Game Designer: Robin Walker
* Game Director: Kim Swift
* Creative Director: David Speyrer

Adventure Game of the Year:
Super Mario Galaxy

* Publisher: Nintendo of America
* Developer: Nintendo
* Producer: Takao Shimizu
* Game Director: Yoshiaki Koizumi
* Creative Director: Shigeru Miyamoto

Sports Game of the Year:

* Publisher: Electronic Arts
* Developer: EA Black Box
* Executive Producer: Scott Blackwood

Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year:
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

* Publisher: Electronic Arts
* Developer: EA Los Angeles
* Producer: Mike Verdu
* Creative Director: Matt Britton

Action Game of the Year:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Producer: Mark Rubin
* Game Director: Jason West
* Creative Director: Vince Zampella

Family Game of the Year:
Rock Band

* Publisher: MTV Games
* Developer: Harmonix
* Producer: Tracy Rosenthal-Newson
* Game Director: Greg LoPiccolo
* Creative Director: Josh Randall

Outstanding Achievement in Animation:
Assassin’s Creed

* Publisher: Ubisoft
* Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
* Animation Director: Alex Drouin
* Lead Animators: Elspeth Tory, Sylvain Bernard

Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction:

* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Visual Art Director: Scott Sinclair
* Technical Art Directors: Hogarth De La Plante, Andrew James, Jay Kyburz, Nate Wells

Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering:

* Publisher: Electronic Arts
* Developer: Crytek
* Director of R&D: Douglas Binks

Outstanding Character Performance:
The Orange Box: Portal

* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Writer: Erik Wolpaw
* Voice Actor: Ellen McLaw
* Character Name: GLADos

Outstanding Achievement in Story Development:

* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Writer: Ken Levine
* Character Designer: Rob Waters

Outstanding Achievement in Game Play Engineering:
The Orange Box: Portal

* Publisher: Electronic Arts, Valve Software
* Developer: Valve Software
* Lead Game Designer: Robin Walker
* UI Designer: Alden Kroll
* AI Designer: Tom Leonard

Outstanding Achievement in Online Game Play:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

* Publisher: Activision
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Lead Online Designer: Todd Alerman
* Lead Online Programmer: Richard Baker

Downloadable Game of the Year:
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords

* Publisher: D3 Publisher or America
* Developer: Infinite Interactive, 1st Playable Productions
* Producers: Arthur Kawamoto, Steve Baldoni
* Game Directors: Steve Fawkner, Janeen Fawkner

Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition:

* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Composer: Garry Schyman

Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack:
Rock Band

* Publisher: MTV Games
* Developer: Harmonix
* Music Supervisors: Paul DeGooyer, Eric Brosius

Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design:

* Publisher: 2K Games
* Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia
* Sound Designers: Emily Ridgway, Patrick Balthrop, Justin Mullins
* Audio Lead: Eric Brosius

En mi opinión, Call of Duty 4 es muy bueno pero está sobre valorado. Para mi el juego del año 2007 sigue siendo Super Mario Galaxy pero bueno, para gustos los colores.

Por Grow!

Grow es Director de Transformación e Innovación en Playful. Hace tiempo trabajó en la industria de desarrollo de videojuegos, pero aunque su carrera profesional tomó otra dirección, sigue siendo un jugador apasionado. Es por ello que mantiene este espacio, para transmitir ideas, pensamientos y experiencias que sigue viviendo a través de este medio creativo con una infinidad de posibilidades.

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